How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our Media film thriller opening product mainly focuses and represents the younger youth; we had 4 typical British teenagers aged 18-20 acting in our product. Involving the non-glamorous and unloved side of teenager’s life this made it more easy to relate to the audience target we was aiming to get which was from the age 15-22years old. Our film involves violence, victims, love, friendships, guilt, drugs and alcohol, it shows the reality of today what happens in teenagers life so I think the audience could relate to the situation that are happening in our opening. But I do feel that all our themes we have used in our opening would represent ever teenager who watches it. Also I thought the clothing and props are used well in the scene to represent the younger youth social groups as the actors just wore what they would wear if they were going shopping or just casual clothing.
Also the main character is a typical cocky, popular, good looking, stylist and who can get the girls this makes me think that male teenagers who watch this could look up to him wanting to be what is described as him. Our opening doesn’t really represent the older audience. However when they watch this they could probably relate to the situations that happen to the British teenagers as this could be their views on typical British teenagers now a days. I feel that we did a good job at making our product represent teenagers well as we looked into our films that represented the same audience such as films like Skins, Adulthood and Kidualhood. Also we used our props, locations and actors to make our film relate to our teen and young adult audience as much as possible.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our main audience we were trying to attract to our film opening product was teenagers particularly ages between 15-22years old. Also I feel that our product could be seen for the lower middle class audience as this is likely who will be buying our film as it’s a low British budget film. A reason why we have picked the audience to be aged between 15-22 years old is also because these ages are the highest population in Britain . Our film is also certificated as a 15 instead of it be an 18 this lets the ages 15-17year olds still see it. To make it a 12 certificated film we would have had to cut out the language, blood, violent and drug scenes to make it safer for the aged 12 year olds to watch this. We choose not to do this as the film mainly relied on these scenes and the film would not have been as affected to the audience as we wanted it to be to. But then it could have benefited our film as it would be viewed by a wider rage of aged audience but then could be a disadvantage as well.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our film opening would be an independent British low budget distributor such like film4 and our film could also be seen on E4 and channel four as many other films that are shown on these channels are for the young youth group such as the film Skins and inbetweeners. It will be co-produced by a British company which will be a low budget film which Film Four is so this would be a brilliant company to show our film “bill”. Also I think we have chosen a British base company as in our film we have used a lot of British culture such as the actors are British and the location etc.
Our film would be shown in small and independent cinemas such as the Ipswich such as the cinema cineworld. As teenagers and young adults will be seeing the film “Bill” we would not want it to be too expensive and cineworld is perfect as it’s a lower price then say theatres so this would let the audience being able to afford to go see our film “Bill”.
What we used to create our film “Bill”:
We used Communication technology to communicate with each other to let know what times places to be at this made it much easier and less worried because we was organised. Also as we could contact each other we could let the group know if one of us was going to be late letting the group start with out them this meant we didn’t loose any time and our film was not rushed when making it. We used face book, emails, MSN and phones to text and call each other to keep in contact with each other.
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