The story line to a Film Noir is extremely important, as the storyline and plot tells the viewer that it’s a Film Noirs by the typical/classic story line its been giving . One of the most typical Film Noir stories is mainly developed around a hard-hearted, broken, unfriendly or unpopular male character. For example the Character Robert Mitchum who is in the film “The Night of Hunter” would be the main male who would run into a beautiful but promiscuous, lustful and seductive female character which Mary Astor or Lana Tuner could be an example of. She would normally use her feminine charm, skills and sexuality to control or force him into becoming the bad guy, often following by a murder or betrayal. The female character will also be destroyed as well often at the cost of the hero’s life. This plot is one of the most characteristic films that would be classed as a Film Noir.
Film Noir uses a lot of shadows, in matter of fact on all most every object that is within the Mise-En-Scene in the shot. The use of sharply defined shadows, inky block frames, titled camera angles and claustrophobia compositions. The main reason of using titled camera angles is to make the viewer feel uncomfortable to watch it as it gives it a strange feel to it and this is what the producer would want to achieve for a Film Noir, it can also add to the thriller and crime mood to it. The classical Film Noir angle shots are The Dutch angle, low angle shots to mainly make the character look powerful or in charge this is also a typical powerful character that would be in a Film Noir. The wide angle lens is used many times as it creates a sense of tension. They also use low-key lighting which works well with the shadows they try make from objects in the scene. It’s also by watching a Film Noir you can tell they use different lighting to create the shadow look for example; lap posts and touches. Film Noirs setting and locations are shot in small closed off areas to create a scene of tension and that the audience can see what is happening when using the wide angle shot. Are also associated with an urban setting and also set in cities such as Los Angeles and New York . It makes the film a bit more edgy, also Film Noirs should make the audience confused on why something has happened for example seeing someone dead on the first scene will make the viewers want to know what’s going to happen next, keeping them on their edge of their sets. Also a typical or classic Noir film has a bit of an unpredictable ending to the story but still maintains the plot of the storyline, a twist to the ending in Film Noirs are also very common.
Most Noir Films have a bitter or dark ending to give it more of a negative theme and to live up to its name “black” film which is classed as a dark twisted thriller. Noir films must have a strange plot line to make it a Noir film, as mostly every film Noir has this and it has a massive effect to making it a Noir film. Because film Noir is classed as a dark film its usually has a depressing, gloomy or bleak tone to it. Also films Noirs add a death scene, suffering, tragedy or unhappiness, the conclusion is mostly with a death or a tragedy in these sorts of films. The narrative involves flash back and a twist plot line. The main characters will be given cigarettes to smoke to make the stylist elements, also uses classical but simple costumes and set design. The main woman is likely to be wearing a sexy dress, make up/red lipstick and normally would have blonde hair to build up the character she is playing.
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